Work From Home Tips
At this point, most of us (and all of us here at Dunaway) have been working remotely. We’ve been trying to find what works best for each of us. Here’s some ideas on how to continue staying productive during this strange time.
Get Moving
First things first, start your day off right by getting your blood flowing a little. It doesn’t have to be a difficult workout, just something that helps to get your body moving. Doing a small workout or a walk in the morning can help you to make better decisions about your diet throughout the day. Exercise helps increase your body’s natural alertness, increase energy levels, provide better focus throughout the day, increase your mood, and can even help you sleep better at night!
Get Dressed!
Getting dressed is more important than you think – it signals to your brain “hey! It’s time for work!” When you put on an outfit for the day (and it doesn’t have to be business professional) you will feel more ready to tackle the day with confidence and purpose. There’s a difference between work mode and leisure time. The best advice I got when I started working from home? Put on shoes.
Take Breaks
While it’s important to remain productive, it’s also important for you to take some time throughout the day to break it up. Think about it: when you’re in the office, you stop and talk to a colleague in the hallway – you get time to brainstorm, decompress, and step away. Your brain deserves a break!
Designate a Workspace
It’s important for you to feel as though you’re at work. When you’re in bed or on the couch, chances are you’ll veer over to social media or turn on the TV, which clearly isn’t ideal for productivity. It doesn’t have to be fancy – your workspace could just be your kitchen table or counter, regardless when you’re “in the office” your mindset says you’re ready to tackle anything.
Tidy Up
When you’re working your 9-5 at home, chances are if you’ve got household chores staring you in the face – it could be as simple as dishes in the sink or laundry that needs to get put away. Try to take care of these things before or after work to help enhance your productivity!
Set goals
It can be challenging to find motivations on some days, especially if tasks aren’t considered urgent. Set goals for each day, week, and month. Over-communicate these goals to your team and celebrate when you hit them! The satisfaction of each win will really help motivate you and the team.
Working from home can be a marvelous treat if (it’s done right.) It’s common to work more hours than normal when working from home, but you shouldn’t! Take the time to unplug, go on a walk, play with your kids, or simply relax. Think of this time working from home as a blessing and enjoy it!
Need some inspiration? Check out some of Dunaway’s #WFH shots. Who knows, maybe you’ll find some inspiration for your own home office!