Adam Tobar

Adam Tobar

Sr. Survey Party Chief

Adam Tobar brings over 40 years of survey experience to his role as Sr. Survey Party Chief in Dunaway’s Midland office. Prior to joining Dunaway, he had worked with a variety of companies, both small and large, where he acquired essential knowledge on the most effective surveying protocols and procedures.


What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

I enjoy playing golf.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

The Rocky Mountains.

Do you have a favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday is Christmas because I love to see the surprise look on people’s faces when they get something they wanted.

What Core Value resonates with you the most?

An attitude of service is pivotal because a positive mindset naturally enhances performance. When you're operating at your best, the other values seamlessly align and manifest effortlessly.