Emily Harvey
Digital Content Specialist
Emily Harvey is a Digital Content Specialist with strengths in website management, videography, and content creation. With a background in communication and media, she enjoys developing creative and compelling solutions that promote the firm’s digital presence. In addition, Emily supports the proposal process through coordination with internal teams.
What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any interesting hobbies?
I've recently taken an interest in film photography. I love the limitation of only having 36 frames to shoot because it forces me to photograph with intention. I also enjoy playing sand volleyball, bicycling, and curling up on my couch to binge a good show.
Why did you choose this career?
Marketing feels like organized chaos! I love being able to exercise my creative mind (through graphic design, videography, photography, etc) while still being strategic in execution. Beyond that, I enjoy marketing in the AEC industry because I get to see how our work impacts the community and changes the landscapes around us.
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
While my sister was studying abroad my parents surprised me with plane tickets to visit her during her in London. We spent a whole week site seeing, eating scones, and soaking up the culture. One of my favorite trips to date!
What Core Value resonates with you the most?
Honesty. The strongest personal and professional relationships I've built have centered around honesty and openness. I think the key to building genuine connections is a willingness to be vulnerable around others.