Jerry Rushing

Jerry Rushing

Construction Inspector

Jerry Rushing is a Construction Inspector and senior engineering technician at Dunaway. His work includes CAD design and hydraulic analysis for water and sewer projects, manage and inspect engineered projects including water wells, pump stations, elevated tanks, ground storage tanks, pressure tanks, water and sewer distribution lines, and water and sewer lift stations.


Why did you choose this career?

I always enjoyed designing and building projects. I also always enjoyed math and drawing.

What Core Value resonates with you the most?

I feel that integrity encompasses my core value. It is who I am. I believe this quality incorporates the rest of the values listed because to have great integrity is to be a good role model to everyone day in and day out. I strive to be honest and work hard. I take pride in my work while being respectful and gaining the respect of everyone in my life through my actions and attitude.

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Enjoy outdoor activities – hiking, camping, mountain biking, snorkeling, sand volleyball, fishing, tennis, gardening, kayaking, landscaping. I love to travel, too. I also enjoy carpentry, woodworking, oil painting, sketching, photography, and grilling.