Lee Flanegin

Lee Flanegin

Discipline Lead | Associate

Lee Flanegin began his career Dunaway after getting out of the Marine Corps in 1998. He has worked in various positions within the company and is now an Associate and a Discipline Lead. He has experience in all aspects of land surveying, including topographic and boundary surveys, design surveys for roadway and utility improvements, the establishment of horizontal and vertical control, GPS surveys, and construction staking. He is familiar with the most advanced techniques and technologies employed in the land surveying profession. He is responsible for assisting in the effective management and coordination of field survey crews using sophisticated robotic stations and GPS equipment.


Why did you choose this career?

I enjoy working outside. Also, survey has a lot of growth potential.

What Core Value resonates with you the most?

I identify with Sense of Urgency the most because you can quickly get behind in your work and there are multiple deadlines that must be met by the client, Title Company, and the City. If you miss one deadline, things start to snowball.

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Restoring antique Farmall tractors and raising Miniature Hereford cows.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

Gold Pines Fishing Lodge in Ontario Canada.

Do you have a favorite holiday?

Saint Patrick’s Day because it’s the one day of the year I allow myself to eat corned beef and cabbage.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

My two daughters.