Michael Mullone, PE, CFM, CESSWI, CPESC
Sr. Project Engineer | Associate
Michael Mullone has over a 15 years of experience in the analysis, design and construction of Civil Engineering projects. This experience includes mixed use civil design, city parks civil design, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of floodplains and design of site drainage and permitting. He has experience in designing projects within challenging urban environments and is adept at processing projects through City and State regulatory review. Michael prepared CLOMRs and LOMRS, and conducted flood analysis along various creeks, streams, tributaries, rivers, and lakes for over 100 projects throughout Texas, including a 120-mile reconstruction of US Highway 77 and the City of Killeen’s Master Drainage Plan.
Why did you choose this career?
Ever since I was a kid, I have always had a love for creeks, rivers, and natural bodies of water. I want to protect these features to the greatest extent, which includes keeping things in their natural state. Therefore, I majored in Civil Engineering with a specialty in Water Resources.
What has been your favorite project to work on during your career?
It is a tie between two projects, but for the same reason - Wilbarger Creek Commercial Tract (Flood Study) and Northgate Development (an Unnamed Tributary to the Blanco River). These projects were about mitigating the flooding and making the land viable for development. Both projects were on unstudied creeks, so it allowed me to be one of the first engineers to study them.
Where is your favorite place in the world?
Four-way tie: Amsterdam, Big Bend, Seattle, and Portland.
What makes you laugh the most?
The television show Parks and Recreation and What We Do in the Shadows the Series.
What's the best piece of advice you have ever recieved?
The only thing keeping you from doing what you want to do is yourself.