Ramey Bowen

Ramey Bowen

Sr. Civil Designer

Ramey Bowen, a Civil Designer, joined Dunaway in 2017. Over the years, Ramey has worked on a variety of commercial, industrial, and multifamily projects varying in scopes and sizes throughout Texas including Cook Children’s Medical Center, Texas Christian University, and several projects at Children’s Health.


Why did you choose this career?

I have always enjoyed solving problems and working with teams to solve problems. Engineering design provides a great avenue for both creative ideas and analytical reasoning and solutions, both of which I enjoy.

What Core Value resonates with you the most?

Honesty. As the old saying goes, “you are only as good as your word”. You could be the most capable person technically, work well under pressure, or be respectful of others, etc., but if people can’t trust you then none of it matters. People must know that what you do and say are backed up by honest thoughts and actions.

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

Spare time? What is that? As a parent to two young boys and a current member of the U.S. Army Reserve my spare time comes few and far between. When I do have it I like to camp and build and fly radio controlled aircraft with my sons.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

Home. I’ve traveled extensively and been deployed for months on end. Nowhere is better than home with my family.

Do you have a favorite holiday?

Christmas. I come from a large family and we always got together on Christmas and it was the one time a year you could count on seeing everyone at one time in one place.

What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?

A Millenium Falcon in about 1983.