Chance LeBlanc, AICP
Sr. Planner | Associate
Chance LeBlanc has extensive experience in Civil Design and Urban Planning which includes a wide range of projects from parks and recreation to transportation, commercial, institutional, industrial and residential facilities. His responsibilities include generating construction drawings that reflect the design of utilities, paving, and site grading for various commercial and subdivision projects. He has also prepared watershed and sanitary sewer impact analysis studies for various types of projects. Assist in the preparation of conceptual, preliminary, and detailed urban designs, site layouts, and supporting materials for master planning and urban development projects. Additionally, he has prepared, with approval, various types of plats and survey exhibits.
Why did you choose this career?
Whilst I may not have taken the ‘traditional’ career path into urban planning, I am glad I took on previous roles because it led me to where I am now. Through the experience and skills, I gained previously, it gave me the opportunity to really determine my niche and find where my strengths could excel.
What has been your favorite project to work on during your career?
Dickie’s Arena, due to its’ sheer size and its future historical significance to the City of Fort Worth.
What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any interesting hobbies?
Collecting vinyl albums.
Where is your favorite place in the world?
Fort Worth