Daniel Wolterman

Daniel Wolterman, PE

Project Engineer

Dan Wolterman is a Project Engineer in Dunaway’s Houston office currently providing technical support to private development projects. After graduating from the University of Texas at Tyler with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering, Dan has gained experience in civil site development for multifamily, commercial, and utility projects throughout the Houston area.


Why did you choose this career?

I enjoy the challenge of solving puzzles and getting all the pieces to work together. I have enjoyed helping build the Dunaway | BEC civil department and overcoming the challenges presented each step of the way.

What do you do in your spare time? Do you have any interesting hobbies?

I enjoy tabletop wargames and modeling Warhammer 40k with my two eldest sons after they found them in the closet.

What makes you laugh the most?

My kids and all their craziness.

Do you have a favorite holiday?

My favorite holiday was camping with my wife and all the kids at Dinosaur Valley State Park.

Where is your favorite place in the world?

Bali was really nice and I would not mind living there!