Shaun Garity
Help Desk Technician
Shaun is a Help Desk Technician for Dunaway in Austin. He assists in various tasks, with everything from IT to field work, surveying and construction observation/documentation. He also helps with the production and processing of engineering plans, facilitating their permitting. His experience includes diagnosis and repair/maintenance of water quality systems and facilities, and prior construction experience consisting of work in carpentry, concrete, masonry, plumbing, electrical and finish work. He brings 13 years of experience from UDG, as well as 8 years of prior construction experience.
Why did you choose this career?
I always liked building things and became interested in construction early on. I found it interesting to participate in the design aspect.
What Core Value resonates with you the most?
Honesty, because I believe it comes first, and there can be nothing truly correct without it.
What is the most daring thing you've ever done?
I was lucky to come out unscathed from some dangerous stunts while skateboarding.